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Pello Luxe Floor Pillows

Pello Luxe Floor Pillows

Pello has been a favorite for our entire family.  My baby safely lay in it when he was a few months old and I needed a place for him to rest while I worked nearby.  Now that he’s getting more mobile, he loves crawling in and out of it all by himself.  Meanwhile, my three year old can’t wait for baby brother to vacate it, so that she can climb into her “boat.”  And, yes, even I have trouble resisting the Pello, as it makes for a great place to rest my head for just a second between chasing kids.

Pello is a circular pillow with fabric in the center, so that you can sit your baby in it and feel like he’s well contained, free from germy floors and well cushioned from all sides.  Baby is more than happy to hang out for a while, too, as I can attach strings of toys to the handy loops along Pello’s perimeter to keep him entertained.  In addition to the loops, there are also a couple handles along the side, providing a convenient means to pick Pello up and move it to another location.  This is great for the quick clean up when you can simply toss all of baby’s toys into Pello and carry it to another location.

I also love that Pello, and its matching blanket, has a cotton weave fabric on one side and a softer, plush fabric on the other.  The options are great for both play and rest times, though please don’t leave a sleeping baby unattended in a Pello, as it’s not meant as an infant bed.

Note that Pello is one complete unit, so you won’t be able to remove the cover for the occasional wash.  However, you can put the entire Pello into your washing machine, as long as your machine can accommodate it.  So far, we haven’t required any major cleaning and spot cleaning has done the trick, so no complaints here!

The designs are beautiful and sophisticated, with a nice selection of both gender-specific and gender-neutral options, making Pello a been a great addition to any home.  Learn more at

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