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Celeb couples experience surrogate coincidence

Most pregnant couples don't have the luxury (or the difficulty!) of keeping their expectant status secret. But if you're having children through a surrogate, staying mum is sometimes part of the deal – as it was for Neil Patrick Harris and his partner, David Burtka. The duo, like many gay couples, turned to a surrogate to make their parenting dreams reality, but they decided to stay quiet about the arrangement until the twins arrived.

But one day, while dining with Elton John's partner David Furnish, the two just couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Right before – like a month before – we were going to give birth, we were having dinner with David Furnish, Elton partner, and we were just busting to tell someone," Harris, 38, told Conan O'Brien during a taping of his show. "So we leaned over and whispered to him, 'We have a secret to tell you. We're expecting twins in October through surrogacy.'"

Furnish's reaction was one that couldn't have been anticipated. He exclaimed that he and Elton were also expecting a baby via surrogate in December, and had yet to divulge the info to anyone else!

We hope that Burtka and Harris' childrem, Gideon Scott and Harper Grace, now 8 months, and Elton and Furnish's son Zachary Jackson Levon, now 6 months, will get a chance to play together in the future.

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