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Imagine a home where you and your partner agree on everything

Well., maybe not everything, but being in sync as a couple is a key ingredient to a happy family. If you have two different ways of seeing family life, you’ll often find yourselves disagreeing over everything, whether it’s big or small.

That’s where a workshop like Positive Intelligence can really help get yourself aligned with your partner.

Positive Intelligence for Couples

Do you find, as most new parents do that it’s just really hard? Interspersed with moments of joy and delight with your newborn or child are daily feelings of anger, frustration, and anxiety around the very people who are the most important to you. This is very common but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Most of us get married and after a honeymoon period, we realize that our partners have different habits, perspectives, and even values than we do. In some cases, couples ignore these differences. In others, we pick away at the other person, constantly being reminded of our shortcomings, those or our partner, or even of our lives. When we have children, we repeat this initial excitement but often get worn down by the realities of taking care of a new baby. We then get angry at ourselves, our partner, or the situation. We feel all the negative emotions possible: regret, frustration, anxiety, blame, fear, and shame.

In the best of situations, some couples are wise enough to find love in these situations as they evolve. They are able to find positive responses to everyday situations and cut some slack to both themselves and their partner for the many ways we aren’t perfect. They react to their partner, their children, and their lives with empathy, compassion, and a relentless, positive attitude.

Most couples though need help and guidance along the way. Many seek couple counseling, hopefully before the relationship is in real trouble. In many cases, one of the partners seeks out therapy for themselves. While this can be valuable, it sometimes creates a new source of resentment that only one person is actively working on the relationship.

Now there’s a new way for couples to quickly learn a way to build more understanding in the home.

Positive Intelligence is a new coaching program that builds on elements of the following developments in psychology and neuroscience over the past 30 years:

Positive Intelligence boils down the most important action steps from proven science into a seven-week program that includes an assessment, weekly videos, daily exercises, and weekly coaching sessions.

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Now available for couples

After success working separately with moms and dads, we’ve recognized the value of couples completing this workshop together. For the first time, we are offering Positive Intelligence for Couples so that both moms and dads can take advantage of the workshop at the same time.

We do this by running workshops for moms and dads separately but in parallel. Sheryl Stoller, a coach with years of experience working with families will lead a group of moms. Paul Banas, founder of, an advocate for involved dads, and also an experienced coach, will lead the groups of dads. Built into the program will be ways for mom and dad to share their experiences and develop as a couple for a more positive family life.

Here’s what Sheryl’s clients have said about her leadership of Positive Intelligence groups:

  • “By having a common language, we (my parenting partner/spouse and I) are collaborating for how we are going to take care of the kids.”
  • “It is so helpful in (that I’m) now engaging with our kids in conversations that are not from my own angst.”
  • “We have a framework and language with kids to help us (the parents) and them (the kids) not forget who they really are.”
  • “Now we have a common language when we talk about our behavior and our child’s behavior, and the communication has been much easier.”
  • “…we (parents) kind of watch out for each other… don’t take it as an offense…he’s able to stop himself, and I can see him reflecting.”
  • “For 10 years we were very much struggling. I have been in therapy, read books, websites, parenting online chat rooms. Thinking back, …I was trying to figure out how to get this inner child (of mine) to mature. But I had no guiding person to make that growth happen. I kept searching, and stumbled on Sheryl (doing this workshop) by serendipity, pure luck. She came across my path and I got this gut feeling, thinking ‘This is it.’ I went for it. And now I found the answer I was looking for for ten years…So please do share that because this program really is needed” 

Here’s what Paul’s clients have said:

  • “Positive Intelligence (PQ) vastly improved my clarity and happiness.  It is truly worth the time and money.  I only wish I’d been able to do it earlier in my life.”
  • The combination of Shirzad’s reassuring voice guiding us and Paul’s expert coaching support has provided me with a foundation that I know will stay with me for many years. Who knew that these straightforward insights and techniques along with a deeply caring coach could make such lifelong changes in how we all face our daily challenges?”
  • “As someone in her early twenties, I am always looking for ways to set healthy habits for the future. It was amazing to me how small changes throughout my day could help to completely change my outlook and help me grow. I hope to continue this practice for the rest of my life and get all my friends to try it as well!”
  • I’ve been working with Paul as an executive coach and recently completed the Positive Intelligence program. I was skeptical about the program initially, but as the weeks unfolded, I was amazed at how making such small changes can lead to such dramatic results. There’s no question this program is worth the investment I made. Paul is smart, insightful, creative, and an excellent coach. And his levity and sense of humor make him fun to work with.”
  • “This course has helped me manage testing anxiety and understand why my mind acts the way it does in stressful situations. It has also helped me be more empathetic to myself, and I would highly encourage teams to take the course.”

This is the future you can have, too. You. You and your parenting partner. Your family. This can be you.
And the shifts will be even more transformational than those described above because you’ll be doing the program at the same time.

Through this program, both you and your partner will learn the same tools to both find more positive ways to react to life’s daily challenges. Since parenthood brings many of these challenges, you’ll find yourselves both starting to look at your time together not as a source of conflict but in a way that brings your family together. Our mission is to help you and your parenting partner GET ALIGNED so solidly that you create the family life, personal well-being, and thriving for each one of you that you want. When both parents are aligned, family life becomes so much easier.

Here is what is involved

To experience this yourself, commit to:

  • 6 weeks of guided practice
  • 7 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions (led in groups of women and of men)
  • View a 1-hour video each week to learn concepts – it is chunked so you can watch in small doses.
  • Practice six short doable 2-minute exercises throughout each weekday 
  • Leverage the small group to further learning and keep up the practice
  • Use the Postive Intelligence app to keep you on track and to provide added resources (e.g. modules on stress, negotiation, and parenting)
  • Read Chapter 1-8 of the included Positive Intelligence book

Bonus gift:

We know that you, your children, and your family are worth this investment. It is such a small investment for the big life-enhancing, life-optimizing changes you will bring to life, short term and long.  

Money-back guarantee

We guarantee an experience that shifts and equips you to show up to yourself, your parenting partner, and your child how you want.
We are so committed to coaching you to shift to this alignment within yourself & with your parenting partner that we give you a money-back guarantee:
If you have fulfilled your commitments to yourself and this process for the whole program (specified above and in the registration form), you still have not felt a positive change in your life and in your family, we will refund your money. Simple as that. We are that sure!
You will thank yourself for giving yourself and your whole family this gift.

To sign up or lf you have any questions:

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SPECIAL NOTE: We realize that this binary designation does not adequately account for the nuances and complexities of gender. If you’re interested in this program and you are feeling adversely impacted by this shortcoming, please let us know if and how we can support you by contacting Sheryl at her email.

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