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Run, Sister, Run!

The Roddler—with fenders from the Kids Kustoms Tins for Tots charity—can reach speeds up to 200 miles per hour, but it will also do just fine on the daily cruise to Starbucks. Prices for custom strollers start at $1,700 at

The Baby Jogger Summit 360 (in Royal/Black) touts an all-wheel suspension system for maximum comfort. Translation: longer naps. $400

The Bumbleride Indie (in Seagrass) is a great all-purpose, lightweight stroller with a special talent for jogging, $400.

The Mountain Buggy Urban Elite (in Red) is versatile and practical. You can use it both with newborns and as an everyday buggy, $700.

The BOB Ironman Sport Utility Stroller (in Yellow) is made for serious runners and sportswomen of all shapes and sizes, $350.

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