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Expecting? Why a smartphone may be (better than) your best friend

Once a woman discovers she's expecting, it's likely she'll instantly begin to wonder what the next 9 months of her life will be like. Luckily, there are apps for that purpose! Smartphones make it easy to answer nearly every pregnancy concern or quandary (not to mention craving) in a matter of moments.

Of course, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of apps out there. If you're torn, have no fear! Here are three of the best for pregnant women:

1. BabyBump. This is a free app that provides comprehensive tracking of your pregnancy. Not only does it feature a list of symptoms to expect and how to best treat them, you can also track your weight and keep a photo log!

2. I'm Expecting. Using this application is a great way to keep all of your appointments straight. It also provides a simple countdown that tells you roughly how many days are left until your baby is due and features a simplified calendar that makes it easy to keep those visits to the doctor organized.

3. Pregnancy Buzz. Created by the baby-minded folks at, this tool provides expert advice on pretty much anything you might be concerned about and is an invaluable resource whenever you start to feel anxious about your pregnancy. 

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