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Keeping abreast of your gals during a pregnancy

What's going to happen to the gals during your pregnancy?

During a pregnancy, women often experience a number of bodily changes, from bigger feet to aching backs to queasier stomachs. But one of the areas that usually changes the most are the breasts. Your twins will go from being two of your favorite assets to becoming a source of nourishment for your baby, and it takes a lot of work to get from here to there! But what exactly is going to happen to them?

First of all, your breasts will likely get bigger. Whether this is good news or bad, your cup size can increase by a size or two, especially if you're pregnant with your first child. To accommodate the new size, you may need to go out and shop for a few new bras, which should be comfortable and offer adequate support.

Next, the gals are probably going to feel tender and hypersensitive at times, usually starting in the fourth or sixth week of pregnancy and continuing through the first trimester. This happens as your hormones begin to prepare your breasts for holding milk. As your milk ducts grow, stretch and fill, your nipples may become extra sensitive. This could be a boost for your sex life, but it might also cause discomfort every now and then.

Your breasts may also start to look a little different. With all the hormone changes, your areolas (the skin around your nipples) and your nipples may darken, and they could become larger or start to stick out more than they did before. You may also notice bumps forming on your areolas. These are known as Montgomery's Tubercles, and they're just small oil-producing glands that become raised. You might even see some darker veins underneath your skin, which appear because of the increased blood supply your breasts are now getting.

Finally, you might experience some leaking from time to time starting in your second trimester. The thick, yellowish stuff that comes out isn't milk – it's called colostrum. It's what your baby will eat for his or her first few meals before your milk comes in. As your due date creeps closer, the colostrum will start to thin out and lose its color. If you don't notice any leakage – don't worry. Not every woman does, but you'll still produce milk when it's time.

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