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Stop overwhelm in its tracks!

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I’ve been using the word “overwhelm” much too often over the last year. Do you feel overwhelmed often, too? I was recently listening to “You Are a Badass Every Day” on Audible by Jen Sincero. She has a series of “badass” books that I highly recommend!

She mentioned overwhelm and how “our attitude steers the wheel of our life.” I think we can all feel overwhelmed at different times in our lives, but being pregnant, planning for birth, and on the road to and through motherhood are all definitely a time for some overwhelm. Or is it? Does it have to be? According to Jen, overwhelm CAN’T touch us if we stay in the present moment, the hear and now. NOW = Never OverWhelmed.

She says that overwhelm is a mindset. We can lessen or eliminate feeling overwhelmed by staying present and thoughtfully attending to each moment in life… moment by moment. Not swirling around in your head about the overwhelming future.

So if you’re creating a baby registry online, trying to figure out which birth education class to take, which stroller to buy, who ordered which girl scout cookies, or what you’re going to make for dinner all week… Stop. Take a relaxing breath. And just focus on what’s right in front of you.

If you’re making your baby registry, be all in. Focus on that and nothing else. When you’re finished, move to the next NOW moment.

I hope that helps! I have a few more ideas listed in another article on clearing a path through information overload in Pregnancy Magazine.

If this new little twist on overwhelm helps, let us know and share it with a friend that might be in the swirling overwhelm too.

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