Pitching articles to Pregnancy magazine
Our audience of first-time moms is on a fierce mission of information gathering. They cannot learn enough about their new passion: becoming a mother. Pregnancy gives moms information about all aspects of life—health, relationships, parenting, fashion, green living, technology, shopping, and more—in one place. Our goal is to inform and comfort women about their new lives as moms and the first year of their baby’s life.
If you have an article idea you would like to pitch, please follow the guidelines below.
Read the magazine: Before you send in a query, please read a few current issues of the magazine. Get familiar with our content—don’t pitch a subject we just covered. Make your pitch as specific as possible, indicating in which department you feel it fits. Our voice mixes a friendly, familiar tone with humor, and we look for creative ways of packaging information. Word counts for articles: features 1,600–2,000; departments 350-800.
Consider our readers: Please remember that the reader is already pregnant. Pregnancy does not cover issues of conception and fertility. Also, we do not cover child-care topics or products beyond the age of 1 year.
Send a query letter: Please send a brief email explaining your topic and your approach for writing the story. Explain why your story would be important to our readers. Articles must include professional sources and real-life examples, so indicate your ability to conduct the appropriate research and, in general, who those sources would be. Do not send a complete manuscript; these will not be returned.
Show us your work: If this is your first time pitching Pregnancy, please include published writing samples, links to clips posted on the Web, and your resume or bio. Writing samples cannot be returned.
We hire freelance writers for a small number of sections in the magazine. Please limit your pitches to these sections:
Must Haves/Be Well (pregnancy wellness articles with related products, chosen by the writer or by us)
Word of Mom/Dad is the new mom (articles for and from the dad’s perspective)
Word of Mom/Relationships
If we are interested in your idea, an editor will contact you. Please do not call to follow up. We keep pitches on file for up to six months.
Please send queries to editors (@) pregnancymagazine.com