Thanks for your interest in the Positive Intelligence program for aligned parent partners.
We are so committed to helping couples live happier home lives that we are offering this program for two parents for the price of one. This special two-for-one pricing is available to mom and dad partners.* Your payment includes the following elements for each parent:
- Seven weekly group coaching sessions (30-45 minutes)
- One one-on-one coaching session after Week 3 of the program (your personal saboteurs)
- 2 online assessments including your overall Positive Intelligence score and top saboteurs
- Positive Intelligence (PQ) App
- Seven one-hour weekly videos released on weekends
- 15 minutes/day of Coach Challenges and PQ Reps practice on PQ App
- Positive Intelligence book (PDF version)
- Access to the Positive Intelligence app for a year.
Total cost: $995 per couple (regularly $1990 for two)
* Same-sex partner couples can be accommodated in this program. Please email us for details.
Money-back guarantee
We guarantee an experience that shifts and equips you to show up to yourself, your parenting partner, and your child how you want.
We are so committed to coaching you to shift to this alignment within yourself & with your parenting partner that we give you a money-back guarantee:
If you have fulfilled your commitments to yourself and this process for the whole program (specified above and in the registration form), you still have not felt a positive change in your life and in your family, we will refund your money. Simple as that. We are that sure!