If you’re stuck on choosing a name for your little one, why not take inspiration from the seasons? With the beginning of spring comes a whole host of fresh and beautiful names to help you and your partner find the right match for your son or daughter. From floral and greenery to bubbling brooks and songbirds, springtime may open your eyes to a new baby name you’ll love.
Iris: This girl’s name has a double meaning, both of which have their roots in nature. An iris is a slender, purple flower, but it’s also the Greek word for “rainbow.” Either way you look at it, this little girl’s bound to be colorful and cheerful.
Rose: Simple, timeless and classic, Rose brings to mind the fragrant garden flower. Beautiful variations on the name include Rosa, Rosie and Rosemary.
Aurora: An uncommon name in the U.S., Aurora means “new dawn” in Latin. Interested in naming your little girl after a goddess? You’re in luck. Aurora was the Roman goddess of the morning.
Hawaiian for “heavenly flower,” Leilani may be a good choice for those on the hunt for alternatives to the popular Layla and Lana.
Chloe: Surprised to see this one on our springtime list? Chloe has roots in Greece, where it literally means “young green shoot.”
Willow: This nature-inspired name is growing in popularity in the U.S. Willow takes its name from the weeping willow, a unique tree with beautiful, draping branches.
Bradwell: For the Anglophiles among us, Bradwell is an adorable choice for a newborn boy. Meaning “from the broad spring,” Bradwell is a refreshing alternative to the ever-popular Bradley.
A fitting name choice for nature-lovers, River is becoming more widely used for both baby boys and girls. Literally referring to a body of water, this gentle name is gaining popularity in both the U.S. and Great Britain.
Robin: Often the first to herald spring, the robin is a cheerful, little bird – and a handsome boy’s name, too. Use this name in place of Robert and you’ll have your choice of its traditional nicknames (e.g. Robbie and Rob).
Wells: So you’d like a less popular alternative to the traditional William? Why not try the less common Wells? With a British spin to it, Wells refers to a spring of water – and could make a fitting name for your new baby boy.
Weldon: An English name once derived from a surname, Weldon means “hill near a spring.” Give your little one this moniker and each time you call out to him, you’ll think of a lush and peaceful place.
What do you think of these nature-lover’s names? Would you choose one for your baby? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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