[amazon asin=B005C9ODMU&text=Infantino Support Ergonomic Cotton Carrier]
MSRP: $49.99
8-40 lbs
The Infantino carriers are impressive in that they provide excellent carrier options at comparatively low prices. The Support’s padded shoulder straps and waist belt comfortably accommodate toddlers in backpack mode, while also serving infants well in the front, inward-facing position. Head support straps can be tightened to lend extra support to a newborn that’s still developing the neck muscles needed to hold her head up. Because the pouch is one solid piece attached to the shoulder straps, you will need to hold baby to your chest first before pulling the shoulder straps on and then reach behind you to connect the back buckle to secure the shoulder straps. For an older baby, you will also have to negotiate their legs into position and tighten the leg straps. This can be a little awkward, but gets easier with practice. While the carrier has a relatively plain exterior, the interior panel surprises with a stylish black-and-white floral pattern printed on soft fabric.
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