Want the surprise of learning your baby’s gender at birth without fating your newborn to wear only neutral yellows and greens for the first few months of his or her young life? The Twotara line of infant clothing is a simple concept that addresses an age-old problem and begs the question, “why didn’t anyone think of this before?”
Not only a great concept but also well executed, Twotara takes a new spin on gender-neutral clothing by creating a line that serves both boys and girls without having to compromise on gender expression. Twotara’s two-sided garments are pink on one side and blue on the other, with a playful pattern of stripes and circles. There’s also great attention to detail with cute little pockets and snaps that go all the way down the legs to make diaper changing simple (a consideration that can’t be taken too lightly!).
The line includes rompers, footies, gowns, hats, mitts and booties in sizes newborn to 3 months, so you have all the basics to keep your baby stylishly dressed at affordable prices ($5 – $35). The clothing is well made and comprised of 100% interlock knit cotton, which is soft against newborn skin and very washable. Being two layered, these garments have a nice weight to them and feel more durable than most infant items you come across, making them really great, high-quality gift items. Therefore, while I had no patience and couldn’t wait to determine the gender of my own baby, I’m extremely excited to gift Twotara to one of my best friends who is waiting to learn the gender of baby number two while fighting the urge to run out and buy cute pink dresses or adorable blue overalls. This time around, instead of leaving the hospital in generic yellow or green, her soon-to-be baby girl or boy can sport a cute pink or blue outfit from day one!
Another added benefit? Twotara clothing makes for great hand-me-downs, as they can suit a younger sibling or friend who may be of the opposite gender. So, if I get lucky, I may just have a Twotara coming back my way one of these days!
Find Twotara at boutique stores or online at twotara.com or amazon.com.

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