When it comes to getting ready for baby
, most first time mothers are preoccupied with trying to get everything they might need to care for a little guy or girl successfully after returning from the hospital.
For those who have decided to breastfeed their babies, this can mean investing in a breast pump. However, the costs of some breast pumps can lead new moms to consider the benefits of investing in ones that may be used, as they can be an economical option.
Could reusing single-user breast pumps be a worthwhile choice for moms looking to save a few bucks, or can this actually expose women to potential health risks? Consider these helpful tips below.
Keeping children safe
Breast milk is one of the most nutritious substances a baby can consume, but how a mother releases this milk and the potential pathogens it could come into contact with through a breast pump can negatively affect the health and wellness of little ones.
When women choose to share breast pumps or purchase a used one from another mother, bacteria can build up in the pump itself, exposing women to potential contaminants. Specifically, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis and cytomegalovirus can be detected in the breast milk of women who have those conditions. Women who share pumps may inadvertently pass these health issues along to their children or become impacted themselves, which can be emotionally and physically damaging.
Read more:
To buy or borrow: The do’s and don’ts of used baby goods
Tips for buying breast pumps
Buying a breast pump may seem daunting, but it can actually be a rewarding and easy experience with the right tips. First of all, it’s essential that you try and invest in a breast pump as soon as possible, so try to make it part of your newborn preparation. Most popular breast pumps are either battery-operated, manual or electric, and while some women may enjoy integrating between these types of pumps on a case-by-case basis, most enjoy one type over the others.
For moms who may be having trouble getting started on breastfeeding, an electric pump may be the best option. A model that features a suck and release function may be ideal because it can take milk from both breasts at the same time. Moms who may only need to pump once a day or so may enjoy the convenience of manual or battery-operated models, as these are good for short-term use. For those who pump multiple times each day, an electric pump can also be a worthwhile investment.
Read more: How to use the Affordable Care Act for your breast pump
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