Prenatal tests—enough already! Choosing the perfect name—that conversation is getting way too old. And finding clothes for that ever-expanding bod? Make the torture end—now!
Those are the cries of pre-birth stress, sister, and while they’re completely natural, you don’t have to suffer them willingly. Stress isn’t healthy for anyone, and, while we don’t want to scare you, research does show that stress can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy, and even cause preterm labor.
But fear not—we’re here to help. Following are a few simple techniques that can help you chillax wherever you are, whether it’s in your living room, in the car, or maybe even one second away from chewing out that well-meaning—but, lets’s face it, dense—cashier at Target. Creating a mental happy place that you can visit anytime will foster healthier personal habits, a stronger connection with your baby, and a fire wall against daily stress.
And you’ll scare strangers less often, too.
Check in with your peace urge
Far too often, we ignore our stress levels and our inner desire to find balance, feel restored, and be happy. Give yourself a quick “peace urge” test to help determine the presence or absence of tension. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to take a breather:
• Are you absentminded and always feel rushed for no reason?
• Is your mind in overdrive and as a result you feel anxious?
• Feeling fatigued due to physical changes you’re experiencing during your pregnancy?
Take a daily de-stress break
Take a daily de-stress break. What better way to stop stressful thoughts in their tracks than with a meditation break at the start or end of the day? Find a clean, quiet place clear of distractions, and sit in a comfortable, upright posture. Take three deep breaths, then breathe at a normal pace, but through your nose. Think of a word that brings peace to your mind and close your eyes, focusing on your breathing and repeating your peace word. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes.
Create a personal tranquil space
Use color and sound to define your retreat. White flowers are a beautiful way to soothe any spot; the color denotes a feeling of silence, purity, serenity, and calm. Or keep a small fountain running in your home for the soothing music of water. And while you’re listening to water flow, drink some: Stress has can dehydrate the body when the hormone cortisol is present.
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