Of all the items to check off our first trimester to-do lists (find a medical provider, set up a budget, say no to alcohol), rarely do the experts advise us to slow down and savor it all. Sure, between morning sickness and swollen ankles, time seems to move at a snail’s pace. But trust us, those nine months will be up in the blink of an eye. Take a moment now to stop and enjoy this truly special time. Read on for five sweet ways to ensure you remember these fleeting moments for a lifetime.
You’ve got mail
Before your little one arrives, carve out space for him or her in the digital world. Set up an email address now and encourage friends and family to fill it up in anticipation of baby’s arrival. Once your child enters toddlerhood and beyond, this email address can hold a million funny little anecdotes you might otherwise forget. When your son or daughter turns 13, give him or her the password to revel in a lifetime of loving messages.
Get ready for your close-up
Sure, there will be days (months even) when you’d rather hide from the world than pose for a picture. But make no mistake about it, your burgeoning belly is a beautiful thing. Document every inch gained by having your partner or a pal snap a photo of you cradling your growing bump.
Take notes on pregnancy memories
Put pen to paper and jot down the major milestones of your pregnancy, everything from first kicks to first food cravings. Record entries as your excitement mounts, but leave space for honest reflections about your worries and fears. Make your pregnancy journal a safe place where you can not only encapsulate this special moment in your life but de-stress and find catharsis too.
Sing along
Make a CD or playlist of songs you’re enjoying right now. Months from now, listening to one of these tunes will evoke pregnancy memories of this special time and all the joy and excitement you feel in anticipation of your little one. Anecdotally we know that memory and music share a close link. But recently, psychology studies have shown just how powerful a memory unlocking tool music can be. In a study involving patients who suffered traumatic brain injuries, scientists who played chart-topping songs from the patients’ youth were able to recover lost memories with greater success rates.
Go green
Order a tree sapling online or pick one up from your local garden store. While you’ll be a bit preoccupied with your sweet little bundle of joy, a family member or friend can be tasked with doing some gardening on your behalf. On the day your son or daughter joins the world, have someone plant this tiny tree sapling in your yard in your little one’s honor. Then as your baby grows, snap a photo of him or her alongside the tree, letting it stand as a beautiful marker of your child’s growth from year to year.
Are you doing anything special to remember your pregnancy? Tell us all about your pregnancy memories in the comments below!
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