For many moms-to-be, pregnancy is no walk in the park. Add summer heat, sun and humidity, and that same task of growing human life is made even harder. If you’re expecting during the sunniest time of year, read on for our smartest tips for surviving the summer season when you have a baby on the way.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Blame it on the blazing sun or long afternoons spent poolside, but dehydration is more likely during the summer months. What’s worse, it can be a serious situation for expectant moms. Dehydration may bring on contractions and kick-start preterm labor. So, it’s more important than ever to keep hydrated. If you’re going to be out in the sun or heat, pack a water bottle and remember to keep sipping.
The right clothes
It’s bad enough when you’re not pregnant, but wearing heavy, tight-fitting clothing on a hot day when you’re expecting can be downright torture. Pack away your thick jeans and curve-hugging polyester in favor of light layers in breathable natural fibers such as cotton.
No-swell moves
A hot day can make those swollen feet and ankles all the more uncomfortable. When you can, stay off your feet and elevate your kicks to reduce swelling. Choose sensible shoes that won’t pinch your toes and know that you’re better off without high heels. You may even have to size up for the time being. Follow our first tip above to keep hydrated – and limit salty foods which may exacerbate the problem.
Skin savers
Sunburn and pigmentation are real problems for pregnant women. During pregnancy, our skin is more sensitive and susceptible to damage, due to fluctuating hormones. Play it safe by ramping up your current sunny day regimen: Always use and reapply sunscreen, keep out of the sun during peak hours (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and stay covered with loose layers and a stylish hat.
Skip the heat
There’s typical summer heat and then there’s those dangerously hot days. When the temperature climbs above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, know that it’s best for you to stay indoors – or keep outside activity to a minimum. Save your exercise, gardening or any other outdoor activities for cooler afternoons. While it’s unlikely that you’d overheat due to extreme weather alone, if you must be outside on a hot, hot day, watch out for these worrisome signs: Dehydration, vomiting, chills, fainting, and dizziness. Raising your core body temperature during pregnancy may cause complications for your little one.
How are you surviving the hot weather and blazing sun? Did we miss any helpful hints? If so, jump in the conversation and share your thoughts with other moms-to-be in the comments below.
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