If you just found out that you have a Halloween costume party to attend and you have no idea how you’re going to dress up your baby bump, don’t worry. There are plenty of funny, cute and spooky ideas that are perfect for moms-to-be. Here are 10 to get your creative juices flowing.
1. Bun in the oven
If you have a good-sized cardboard box, a set of paints, a little extra time and a decent imagination, turning yourself into an oven complete with a baked good inside should be pretty easy. Just look at what your actual oven looks like, then try to recreate the front on the box with your paints. If you’re really crafty, you could make a door with a window that’ll show off an actual bun inside. Pair it with a black shirt and pants.
2. Pregnant cat
Dressing up as a cat is a go-to idea for many women—all you need is eyeliner whiskers, a headband with ears and some kind of tail. Believe it or not, it’s equally easy to turn yourself into an expecting kitty! Just dress up in black (or leopard print) and attach baby bottle nipples in two rows down your belly. That’s it!
3. Magic 8 ball
People are probably going to be asking to rub your bump anyway, so give them an excuse (if you’re comfortable with it) by going as a Magic 8 ball. Dress up in black pants and a black top, then cut out a white circle of paper and write the number eight on it. Attach it to your bump and you’ll be good to go.
4. Bump-o’-lantern
If you have kids already, you’ll probably have some face paint left over from their costumes, so use it to your advantage. Wear green pants and a green shirt, then paint your bump orange. Add yellow or black eyes and a mouth to create a jack-o’-lantern.
5. Basketball star
If you know what the lines on a basketball look like, you should have no trouble painting your bump orange and adding them on. Dress up in a jersey, shorts and maybe a sweatband or two, then hold your bump as much as possible during the party.
6. Skeleton
You’ll need some painting skills for this, but it’s still pretty simple to pull off at the last minute. Just get a black long-sleeved shirt and some white fabric paint, then add on bones along your arms and ribcage. Over your bump, draw a picture of your curled-up baby’s skeleton. Matching pants are only necessary if you want to go all-out.
7. Mummy
Unless you’re British, you’ll probably be known as Mommy, but “mummy” is close enough! Wrap yourself up in strips of cheesecloth (or even toilet paper), tease your hair so it looks pretty wild and add some serious black eyeshadow for sunken peepers. It’s okay if you start to unravel over the course of the night – it’s only natural.
8. Juno
Whether you saw this classic movie or not, someone you know probably did, so the reference won’t be lost. Put your hair in a ponytail, wear a pair of baggy jeans, add on a short black skirt, pull on a striped T-shirt, a pair of sneakers and a leather jacket. Done! Bonus points if your partner dresses up as Paulie Bleeker.
9. Watermelon farmer
You’ll need face paint for this, as well as a real watermelon and probably a pair of overalls for an authentic farmer vibe. Paint your bump green with wiggly light green stripes, dress up as the farmer and cut up some watermelon to use as a prop.
10. Solar system
Wearing black pants and a black shirt, paint your bump yellow, like the sun. Then attach the other planets (which you can make from styrofoam balls) hanging from each arm.
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