A couple without hope becomes unexpectedly pregnant
After eight years of marriage, and countless failed attempts at pregnancy, my husband and I completely lost hope of having a baby. We were living our lives in despair. Then one day I went in for my regular checkup for diabetes. My endocrinologist examined my stomach and said I had a baby inside. Of course, I didn’t believe it! He said to start taking prenatal vitamins immediately and to visit the gynecologist. In shock, I called my husband from the doctor’s office. He didn’t believe it either. Still, he went out and purchased the prenatal vitamins before I even got home.
The next day, my gynecologist was shocked to discover a good-sized baby at 15 weeks. Given my three prior miscarriages, the diabetes, and the fact that I have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), she sent me to a high-risk pregnancy doctor. For the next two weeks, my husband and I still could not believe that I was pregnant – and already in the second trimester!
Read more:
Real birth story – a perfect and painful home birth
The days went by very fast. I felt like we didn’t have enough time to shop and plan. Plus, it was a snowy winter and my stomach was so huge, it was awkward to go out. But I enjoyed my pregnancy so much; I didn’t feel the extra 30 pounds of weight at all. Our entire family, friends, and colleagues were so happy for us. We received wonderful help and comfort from each and every one of them.
My doctors were surprised by my successful pregnancy – no consultations, excellent growth of the baby, and well-controlled diabetes. I was on a strict diet, checking my blood sugar eight times a day and injecting insulin four times a day. At 37 weeks, the baby weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces so the doctors decided to induce me to try for a vaginal delivery.
I was given MisoProstel to start labor and put on oxytocin. After more than two days, I still wasn’t dilating. The doctor said, ”Tomorrow we need to think about other options.” But that night I had a terrible pain. Within 10 minutes, I had dilated 8 cm and they prepared me for labor. Because we had previously decided to go for an epidural, I was administered the pain medication.
I relaxed, but the baby was in distress. His heartbeat went down to 110 from 150. They gave me oxygen. I started shivering severely. The baby was trying to come down, but there was an arrest in descent, so the doctor advised a C-section for the baby’s safety.
Within half an hour, my beautiful son Arivan was out in this world. He cried really hard for five minutes. I won’t be able to forget that cry for my lifetime. When they brought him to us, he was so clean and pink. With his black eyes open, he could see both of us. My husband was speechless. He could not believe what he was seeing. They let me kiss my son, then took him to the nursery to take out the fluid he had swallowed while in the womb.
After they brought him back to me, I didn’t give him to the nursery at all, except for tests and other routine checkups – his blood sugar was monitored because I’m diabetic. We sent a birth announcement and photograph to friends and family members throughout the world by email, and within minutes we got replies from almost everyone. He is our blessing, our life, and our bundle of joy.
— Sivaprakasam Thirupura
Read more: Real birth story – The C-section I didn’t even know I was having

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