Oh, how my toddler and I love books: words of inspiration, laughs, and learning. For our family, there was something extra special about this I See Me book, which was full of words of love. The entire I See Me collection uses sweet words, personalization, and vibrant colors to share stories of love, unity, and community.
The company offered to send me the Who Loves Me? version ($29.99), that right from the hard cover welcomed my little one with his name right in the center of a sunflower. With this book there is a wonderful opportunity to leave a dedication to your child right underneath a photo you submit, which I took full advantage of. The dedication allows for full sentences, enough to say what you want to say without needing to fully edit yourself. The full color pages are beautiful examples to express how much someone loves the child. From mountains to moons to birds’ song and flight, the rhythmic nature of the story uses the right amount of words and images to keep a child engaged. These pages are used as purposeful examples to demonstrate how much and how many people love your little one.
While this book can be used for any day or a specific occasion, I opted to use this book as a gift, not only to my child to share my love, but I also used it as gift to the family members who are a part of my child’s life, both living and those who have left us. On Valentine’s Day we sat down with each tío (uncle) and tía (aunt) and read Who Loves Me? Everyone instantly felt so loved and felt honored to be part of this book.
I will admit, I anxiously awaited the arrival of our book and received more than a book, we received a window to everyone’s heart—which is something I personally did not expect. Sure I knew they would feel special, but their reactions were just so genuine that it made for beautiful moments, moments I will hold onto forever.
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