In my house, there’s a curious little 1-year-old who loves to explore. He has started to stack, tap, and knock over blocks so I was really excited to try the People Blocks Zoo Animals set of magnetic blocks. The set came with 17 unique pieces that are inspired by animal shapes. Some make you think of a leg, tail, or nose of an animal and some are just unique shapes. The open-endedness of the shapes are what make them so versatile. There is no right or wrong way to put them together.
My son mostly mouths them, but also is figuring out how to stick them together and pull them apart. The magnets are strong enough that they stay in position but also easy to separate. We also have a magnetic wall in our playroom, and he sticks these blocks to his magnetic wall and the side of the fridge. His favorite pieces are the ones that resemble noses and tails. They’re easy to grab and stick to things. He also loves anything with wheels so the two pieces with attached wheels are used often.
A great starter package
This particular set makes a great starter package, but more pieces would be better for multiple children. Adding even more variety would increase the possibilities for imaginative play. People Blocks makes other sets of magnetic blocks that would be a great addition to this set. This set comes with a zoo-themed play mat to add to the fun. It is made of a sturdy material and has cute illustrations on it. This is a nice touch and I could see older children really utilizing it while playing. My 3-year-old niece is very interested in dramatic play and she had a great time one afternoon pretending to make “silly” animals with very silly names.
This set retails for $34.99. This is a comparable price for magnetic blocks. I like that he will be able to use these for a long time, and that different skills come into play as he develops. We love blocks, and these are a unique addition to our arsenal.
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