It seems like right after you make a pregnancy announcement, people start coming out of the woodwork to offer tips and advice for you as a first-time parent. From how to decorate the nursery to which names you should pick to how long you can expect to feel morning sickness, the tidbits never stop rolling in. However, there are a few things that no one tells you about – unforeseen emotions. Here are three to take note of.
You might not associate being pregnant with stress and anxiety, especially when you're about to welcome a new bundle of joy into your life. But there are actually a plethora of things that can start to weigh on you once your baby bump begins to grow. For example, you'll find that a lot of responsibility comes with being pregnant – it's up to you to ensure that your child is born healthy and that everything is all set up for his or her arrival. Talk about pressure!
Wondering why the green-eyed monster would rear his ugly head while you're pregnant? Well, you might start to envy those who are able to do the things you can't while you're carrying a child, like drink alcohol, go for those 10-mile runs you used to love or eat copious amounts of sushi.
In much the same way, you may start to feel a little bit of resentment toward your partner. While you're gaining weight, riding a rollercoaster of emotions and running to the bathroom on a regular basis, he gets to carry on with business as usual – but he's the one who helped you get pregnant!
While experiencing these three emotions is certainly possible (perhaps even likely) during a pregnancy, there's no need to get bent out of shape. It's only temporary, and once your due date creeps closer, you'll have a lot more to look forward to!
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