Are you eyeing your partner and wondering if he’ll rise to the title of dad once your baby arrives? Here are five easy-to-spot signs that say he’s more than ready for the role:
1. He’s good at putting things together
From cribs and play pens to strollers and car seats, babies come with a slew of stuff that needs to be built and assembled. Having someone there to wrangle a wrench with and pore over the manual with you will sure come in handy. Later on, there will be crafts and science fair projects aplenty to keep his inner carpenter happy.
2. He keeps his cool
If it’s tough to ruffle your guy’s feathers, you can rest assured he’s prime dad material. With the utter chaos of new parenthood ahead, having someone around who can keep his cool will prove invaluable when you’re in the parenting trenches. The last thing you want when stuck in traffic with a screaming baby in the back seat, is another screaming baby behind the wheel.
Read more: 4 genius ways to make the most of your 2nd trimester
3. It’s tough to gross him out
Old news: Babies can be disgusting. From spit-up and throw-up to the surprises they leave in their diapers, newborns can make even a stomach of steel churn. If your partner doesn’t bat an eye at something that makes you squirm, you can take comfort knowing he’ll step up to clean up the messes you can’t handle.
4. He doesn’t sleep anyway
Is your guy up all night flipping through his phone, binging on Netflix series or surfing the Web mindlessly? If he’s not clocking enough shuteye each night now, then he may be powering up for the sleep deprivation parenthood brings.
5. He’s gone to the ballet
Maybe it’s a romantic comedy on the couch, a trip to your favorite art gallery or a political debate – if he’s shown up because something’s important to you, you can bet he’ll do the same for your kids. Nothing says ‘awesome dad’ like the guy smiling ear-to-ear while his daughter decks him out in princess clothing.
Read more: Sleep tips for every trimester
Tell us: Does your guy measure up? What’s one reason you know your man will make a good dad? Comment below!
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