Everyone knows that the start of a new year is a great time to reevaluate your life and set goals that you want to accomplish in the next year. While the tried-and-true resolutions of losing weight, eating healthier meals and saving more money are great starters, you might want to add some of your pregnancy goals into this year’s resolution list. Whether you’re getting ready for pregnancy or are already pregnant, here are some ideas for things to accomplish in 2014.
Maintain a positive attitude
The key to a happy pregnancy is a good attitude, which can be hard to come by some days – especially if you’re dealing with morning sickness or other unfortunate pregnancy symptoms. Stay positive and remind yourself of all the wonderful things that will come when your baby is born – and take advantage of the good parts of pregnancy, like thicker hair and a little more leeway in your diet!
Eat more fruits and vegetables
A healthy diet is important for a complication-free pregnancy, and the healthiest diets are chock-full of fruits and vegetables. Make it a point this year to add more fruits and veggies to your daily meals. Sneak some berries into your cereal, eat more salads and add cut-up fruits to your water for a shot of flavor. This will help you get all the vitamins and minerals you and your unborn baby need.
Start saving for your child
It’s no secret that having a baby comes with a lot of costs, from diapers, to baby food, to clothing. Now’s the time to get your finances in order to plan for upcoming expenses and start saving for your child’s future. Even something small, like putting $10 a month away for your child’s college education, can be a big help once your little one grows into an adult.
Give breastfeeding a try
Breastfeeding is a great way to ensure that your child gets the nutrition he or she needs, and it has other benefits too, like helping you lose pregnancy weight and maintaining a strong bond with your baby. Give breastfeeding a shot once your child is born – it might be slow-going at first, but after a while you might get the hang of it. If not, it’s not something to beat yourself up over. Bottle feeding can still get your baby everything he or she needs, and it’s often more convenient.
Ask your health care provider more questions
There’s no shame in asking questions about your pregnancy – in fact, you should be asking lots of them! Unless you’re a doctor, you aren’t expected to be a pregnancy expert, no matter how many sites you’ve read through online or how many pregnancy books are on your shelves. Make it a point to ask your health care provider any and all questions you have every time you go in for a checkup. If it helps, keep a list of things you’ve been wondering about in between visits.
Record your pregnancy
If you’ve browsed Pinterest at all, you’ve probably seen a bunch of ideas for fun, creative pregnancy photos. While you don’t have to go crazy with professional photo shoots, it’s easy to take your own pictures or get help from a partner, friend or family member. At the very least, take a belly picture each month of your pregnancy. It’s something you’ll love looking at years down the line.
Get more exercise
Many women exercise while pregnant, and you should too! You might have to change up your routine a bit – especially in the third trimester – but you should still be getting plenty of cardio and weight training in each week. Pregnancy yoga classes might be a good option too.
Make new friends
Your circle of friends might change once you have a baby – and that’s a good thing! This year, try to branch out of your usual social circle and find other women who are either sharing your pregnancy experience or went through it recently. This is especially great for single moms looking for a single mother support system. Plus, your little one might gain a friend out of it too!
Plan ahead
You don’t have to stress out over it, but it’s good to start planning for labor and delivery and the arrival of your baby. Make sure you have everything you need and your things are all packed in the days leading up to the big event.
Spend quality time with your partner
Pregnancy is a great time to work on the bond you have with your partner, especially if this is your first child together. Set aside time each day for the two of you and plan date nights to keep your relationship strong. You’ll relish the time you spend together and ensure that you’re both prepared to take on the road ahead.
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